Horizon Travel & Tourism - Terms and Condition

Terms and Condition

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Terms and Condition

Terms & Conditions for Horizon Travel and Tourism


1. Booking Your Holiday

a) Your contract in respect of your holiday is made with Horizon Travel and Tourism, a trade registered under Bit al Tanwa Trading and Services, and all bookings are subject to these terms and conditions.

b) All communications by Horizon Travel and Tourism in relation to your holiday will be sent to the address stated on the booking form.

c) All bookings must be made through an authorized representative of Horizon Travel and Tourism. At the time of booking, the Horizon Travel and Tourism booking form must be completed and submitted together with a deposit of 50% of the total cost of the booking.

d) Receipt of the deposit and booking form by Horizon Travel and Tourism does not guarantee or imply confirmation of the booking. No booking shall be confirmed until Horizon Travel and Tourism issues a written notice. Horizon Travel and Tourism reserves the right to refuse a booking without giving any reason and shall, in that event, return any deposit received.

e) Your holiday must be paid in full at least 30 days before the departure date. If payment is not received by the due date, Horizon Travel and Tourism reserves the right to cancel the booking and retain the deposit. The person who signs the booking form guarantees payment of the total amount shown on the booking form in accordance with these conditions. It is the responsibility of the signatory to ensure Horizon Travel and Tourism receives payment in full by the due date. No reminders will be sent.

f) If you book within 30 days of your departure date, payment must be made in full at the time of booking.

g) All special requests, such as dietary requirements, should be noted on the booking form.

h) Horizon Travel and Tourism will provide the service as set out and confirmed in writing.

2. Price Policy

a) Horizon Travel and Tourism is under no obligation to furnish a breakdown of the costs involved in a holiday.

b) Horizon Travel and Tourism reserves the right to notify you of any increase in price before accepting your booking.

c) After a Confirmation Invoice has been issued, unless you choose to pay for your holiday in full at the time of booking, the price of your holiday is subject to surcharges in certain limited circumstances. However, a surcharge will only be levied to allow for variations in transportation costs, including the cost of fuel, increases in normal published airfares, taxes or fees chargeable for services such as landing taxes at airports, the exchange rate applied to the particular package, or if the government or regulatory body introduces an increase in taxes.

d) If a surcharge would increase the total holiday price shown on your original Confirmation Invoice by 10% or more, you may cancel your booking within 14 days of the date of issue of the revised Invoice and obtain a full refund of all payments made to Horizon Travel and Tourism and any amendment charges previously incurred.

e) Optionally, you may choose to pay for your holiday in full at the time of booking, in which case your holiday price will be fixed at the cost quoted by Horizon Travel and Tourism at the time. To qualify for this benefit, you should return the Confirmation Invoice to Horizon Travel and Tourism with full payment to reach Horizon Travel and Tourism within 7 days of the date printed on the Confirmation Invoice.

f) The financial commitments offered above by Horizon Travel and Tourism mean that Horizon Travel and Tourism is not able to reduce the holiday prices should the value of the Omani Rial strengthen.

3. Cancellation and Changes by Horizon Travel and Tourism

a) Occasionally it may be deemed necessary to make changes to your holiday, and Horizon Travel and Tourism reserves the right to do so at any time. You will be notified of any changes at the earliest possible opportunity. If a major change to your tour is necessary, you may choose (i) to accept the change of arrangements, (ii) to purchase another holiday from us, or (iii) to cancel your holiday. Compensation may be payable in cases of major changes as detailed below.

b) No compensation will be payable for minor changes. Minor changes include minimal changes to departure and arrival times, changes to the type of aircraft used, and restaurant and accommodation changes to a comparable or superior standard.

c) Major changes include cancellation, changes to your departure airport, delays in departure or return by more than 12 hours, and accommodation changes to an inferior standard of accommodation.

d) Compensation will not be paid for changes or cancellations caused by Acts of God (Force Majeure), war, threat of war, riot, civil strike, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, natural or man-made disaster, fire, technical problems with transport, closure or congestion of airports, strikes or other industrial action, adverse weather conditions, or any other event beyond Horizon Travel and Tourism’s control. It is essential that you take out adequate travel insurance.

e) Horizon Travel and Tourism reserves the right to cancel your holiday at any time before the date of departure, even after a confirmation notice has been sent. If your holiday is cancelled, Horizon Travel and Tourism will refund in full the money you have already paid. No compensation will be payable.

f) Transportation is subject to the conditions of carriage of the carrier, some of which may limit or exclude liability. These conditions are often the subject of international agreements between countries, and copies of the conditions that apply to your holiday journey will normally be found on the carrier’s tickets.

g) If you fail to pay the balance of the holiday price at least 30 days before departure, Horizon Travel and Tourism will treat the booking as cancelled and levy the cancellation charges set out below.

h) Horizon Travel and Tourism also reserves the right to refuse any person as a member of the tour if, in their opinion, that person could endanger the health, safety, and enjoyment of others on the tour. In any of the events mentioned above, Horizon Travel and Tourism’s sole liability and the client’s sole remedy will be limited to a refund of any monies paid, less the amount for services already utilized plus administrative fees.

4. Cancellation and Changes by You

a) You may cancel your holiday at any time by providing written notice to Horizon Travel and Tourism. The following charges will be levied on any cancellation:

- 30 days or more before departure: 50% of Deposit

- 15 – 30 days before departure: 100% of Deposit

- 8 – 15 days before departure: 80% of Tour Cost

- 1 – 7 days before departure: 100% of Tour Cost

b) After the itinerary is confirmed, the client is permitted free of administration charges one set of amendments, though will be liable for any added cost this may add to the tour, including airline charges, hotels, etc.

c) If any member of your party is prevented from traveling, that person(s) may transfer their place to someone else (introduced by you and satisfying all the conditions applicable to the holiday), providing Horizon Travel and Tourism is notified not less than 7 days before departure. Where a transfer to a person of your choice can be made, all costs and charges incurred by Horizon Travel and Tourism and/or incurred or imposed by any of our suppliers as a result together with an amendment fee of OMR 20 per person must be paid before the transfer can be affected. Any overdue balances must also be paid at this time.

5. Passport, Visa, and Immigration Requirements

a) It is your responsibility to ensure you are in possession of all necessary travel and health documents before departure. Horizon Travel and Tourism accepts no responsibility for any loss, delay, or cancellation, resulting from your failure to obtain valid travel documents.

b) It is your responsibility to ensure that all passport and visa requirements are met. Horizon Travel and Tourism cannot be held liable for any loss or expense due to the client’s failure to obtain or provide proper travel documents.

6. Travel Insurance

a) Adequate travel insurance is a condition of your contract with Horizon Travel and Tourism. You must be satisfied that your insurance fully covers all your personal requirements, including pre-existing medical conditions, cancellation charges, medical expenses, and repatriation in the event of accident or illness. If you choose to travel without adequate insurance cover, Horizon Travel and Tourism will not be liable for any losses howsoever arising, in respect of which insurance cover would otherwise have been available.

7. Liability

a) Horizon Travel and Tourism accepts responsibility for ensuring that the holiday which you book with us is supplied as described in the final confirmation invoice. If any part of your holiday is not provided as described, Horizon Travel and Tourism will pay you appropriate compensation if this has affected the enjoyment of your holiday. However, this compensation will not apply where the failure of the holiday was due to:

- You, or anyone in your party, causing it.

- Unforeseeable or unavoidable circumstances beyond Horizon Travel and Tourism’s control.

b) Horizon Travel and Tourism’s liability in all cases shall be limited to a maximum of the cost of your holiday.

8. Complaints

a) In the unlikely event that you have a complaint during your holiday, you must notify the local representative or agent immediately, who will endeavor to put things right. If the problem is not resolved locally, please contact Horizon Travel and Tourism immediately.

9. Governing Law

a) This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Sultanate of Oman, and both parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Omani courts.

10. Entire Agreement

a) These terms and conditions, together with any other written information we brought to your attention before we confirmed your booking, form the basis of your contract with Horizon Travel and Tourism.

11. Data Protection

a) Please be assured that we have measures in place to protect the personal booking information held by us. This information will be passed on to the principal and to the relevant suppliers of your travel arrangements. The information may also be provided to public authorities such as customs or immigration if required by them, or as required by law.

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